Wednesday, November 28, 2018



What is in an emotion?
Thought is in an emotion.
Energy is in an emotion.
But what is an emotion?

In my research over the past 35 years based on thought, energy, and emotion. Or my study of the mind and how it works. If I put it in my own words I would break it down to computer terms to help make sense of it all.

The way I see it. One byte of emotional content is equal to a gigabyte of thought. Probably way more. What I'm getting at is, emotion is a massive amount of thought and energy, all condensed down into one package which becomes highly visible to anyone who may be there to see it.

Emotion effects the mind in such a way that massive amounts of neurons fire all at one moment. It produces so much thought that it overloads the circuits. Which in turn shows up everywhere in the body in the form of tension and resistance. It may be a twitch, it could be a full blown body lockup, or anything in between.

If we can read the tension and resistance, then we can read their thoughts. Many people are very proficient at this.

The best way to do this is to not try and think all the thoughts, but to boil it all down to the emotion or emotions, present. The level of tension and resistance will tell how severe it is.

Why am I writing about this?
Because I use this information every day in my work with the horses and thought it may help some of you. By reading the thoughts and energy present, then boiling it down to and emotion, you can use your thought and apply energy to remove the tension and resistance. This in turn removes or calms the emotions. It also instantly organizes a million thoughts, little by little into something more understandable. Its the overload of thought which is not understood that causes the emotional outbreak. By removing the tension and resistance, you organize all those misunderstood thoughts to something they understand. Once they do, emotions no longer get in the way and you can have a more meaningful conversation.

I should add. And not to confuse you. There are many different emotions. Some are actually productive. Like pure emotional content which makes us completely present and aware of all that is around us. Absorbing and understanding things to its fullest potential. Which is what we should all strive for. Its the emotions that get in the way that I am talking about in the main portion of this writing. I could go on forever in this subject. But I think I should stop here.
I hope you found this informative.
Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018


Have you ever asked yourself this question?

If you do ask, the first 2 words in your answer are the most powerful. And that is, "I AM" !!! The words that come after become a manifestation of who we will become whether its true in the moment of the question or not. If we believe its true, it will become who we are. It can be positive, or extremely negative. Guard your thoughts.

Often times, who we think we are, is based on other peoples opinions of us. If we listen to or feel their opinion is important, we believe to some extent that their perception is a fact and not just an opinion. So more often who we think we are is really us thinking who we are is in the way that we think other people see us. This is unfortunate because our true self gets lost inside. Confused and trying to be something we are not because someone else thinks its good, or not being something we do want just because others think its bad.

In order to truly know who we are, we need to go deep inside ourselves and ask all the important questions. Like, "What makes me happy?" , "What type of things build interest?" , "Am I passionate about this?" And any other question that gets to the bottom of who we are, not through other peoples opinions.

Say what you think, tell people how you feel. Surpressing who we are or holding back feelings because we are afraid of what others may say or think just makes our life difficult because it takes away all our options and takes us further away from our own joy and happiness. Not that we need to be an ass about it. We just need to maintain some self respect without being disrespectful to others.

The real truth is. We are not who or what we think we are, nor are we who or what other people think we are. But we "BECOME" who "WE" think we are. And that doesn't matter if the thought originates from us or is implanted by others. We will become who we think we are.

Our true self gets lost inside. Our true self gets buried beneath all the extra weight of external opinion. We receive it as fact, but our true self knows better. So it keeps fighting for us from within. This creates so much conflict with our emotional state and is the primary reason a person becomes emotionally unstable. I learned this through my work with horses. You can't tell them they are something they are not without getting an emotional outburst of some kind. They need to voice their opinion and we need to hear it. This is the same for us. We need to be who we are or we won't find peace and happiness.

So if you have read this all the way through. I would encourage you to go deep within yourself, into your heart and find out what it truly beats for. Find those answers and think only those thoughts so you can be your TRUE SELF and live a joyful and meaningful life.
Thanks reading.

Sunday, July 29, 2018



This to me is one of, if not the most misunderstood terms in life. I've heard many times, Why can't things just be perfect. Or, in a perfect world, it would be---- (fill in the blank).

Perfect to most people is a personal, yet misconceived, idealization of what they think something should be. Others may agree to a certain extent. But no way will everyone ever agree on what perfect should be. And that is because, in the human mind, perfect is just a personal idealization of their own desire.

I believe perfection lives in the fact that nothing can be or exist if the circumstances or conditions are not perfect for it to happen. What I mean by that is, cause and effect, perpetual motion, and energy transfer, as well as other things, CREATE. So events and actions of past and present moments, create things in the future. Sometimes the connection is noticeable, sometimes not. You may even be able to connect something to an event from years past, maybe even millennia ago. But even if you don't, I can assure you, all things evolved into being from past events so long ago that we could never comprehend. If one thing was different, all things would be different. But we wouldn't know because we live in the aftermath of what did happen and what it created. And that creation can only be what it is. Therefore, perfect because it cannot be anything else.

Now. Each present moment is what it is. We can't change the now. But every living creature with the ability to think, can make decisions. These decisions will create something in the future. If we are selfish and not thinking of all things, we are creating our own perfect world. Which may not be perfect for others. Yet it will effect the future for everyone eventually. Even hundreds and thousands of years into the future.

For me, keeping the thought that my present moment has been created by so many things from so long ago. It allows me to be more accepting of my current situation. I see it as a perfect moment that was set into motion many moons ago. And even when something comes up to where I may want to blame someone for what happens. It allows me to stop and accept, or be more compassionate instead of blaming.

I always say, "in the moment, the why is the least important thing." But in that moment, we can make choices. These choices effect not only our future, but the future of all things. Creating the new. Which again, can only be what was allowed to be by previous moments in the past. Therefore "perfect" still. It may be different and always changing. But it's always perfect because it can't be anything else.

I think if people stop trying to create a perfect world, or perfect situation, and see that it is what it is and can only be what it is due to the moments that created it. Then maybe they might see that all things truly are, perfect in every way.

I don't know what the benefits or consequences would be to that. But I do know that having this outlook in my life provides me with more peace and less conflict. It allows me to be more accepting and less irritated, therefore less confrontational. I also feel like I see more choices and opportunities in what life throws at me. Which removes the restricted feelings of being trapped and allows me to freely Express myself.

For those of you who read this. You have a great soul and I thank you for connecting with me in this perfect moment. May you all find peace in these words.