So. How do we show clear intention? A question I hear often. The answer to that is not easy to explain. We have spent our whole lives communicating through speech, and getting further away from the subtly's of body language. In a written language It can also be hard to see true intention. Hiding true intention is something professional writers learn to do on purpose, I.E. advertisers, political writers, and story writers. We have been lied to and taught to lie in order to survive in this world we created. It becomes very hard to recognize true intention. Although it is attainable for us to acquire a better ability to understand intention. You must first Understand it, Then you will be able to recognize it, then we move on to being able to show it clearly.
To recognize intention you have to use all of your senses. But most importantly you have to use your Gut Feeling and your Heart as well. When we or our horses don't recognize the intention of something it tends to get us a bit nervous or scared. We may feel a bit uneasy. Learn to recognize intention and you can relieve a lot of stress in your life. When dealing with people it can be hard to recognize their intention. People have alternative motives. Nothing is as it seams with people. This is why Law Enforcement has professional profiler's to help catch criminals. They're trained in recognizing patterns of intention in order to interrupt and capture them. Awareness of all senses needs to be, in order to recognize intention. With horses its not to difficult to see that they are ready to run away from you as you approach them. You may be able to tell if they don't want to do something and may retaliate with a bite or a kick. Of course you need to understand their intention before you will recognize it. Examples of not recognizing intention could be. Some of us are afraid of Snakes, Spiders, and Mice. The reason would be, we are unable to recognize their intention. We don't understand their body language so we don't know what their all about. Most of the time they don't want anything to do with us and they run from us. But we get all nerved up cause we don't recognize their intention. Another example I would like to give is, The Volcano that erupts doesn't have the intention to destroy the village that is at it's base. Even Though that will probably happen. The intention is just more or less trying to release all that pressure. Ancient people thought it was Gods intention to punish them for their sins. I gave that example because we misread intention all the time. Sometimes when we are ridding our horse and they act up, We take it personal and think they're out to get us. Most of the time they are acting up because they don't understand our intention, or the intention of the rock that may have just spooked them. That makes them scared or nervous so they act out. We need to be more aware and recognize it for what it is.
In order to show clear intention we must first be able to recognize it and understand it. A question always pops up when we discus this topic. How do we know we are being clear with our intention? The answer is pretty simple.How good are your results? Or. Are you getting results? This goes back to the Alphabets of Communication. The questions Why and Why not? The better your results, the clearer you are with your intention. Its something we always have to finesse. There is always room for improvement. No matter how good it is. You should never say this is good enough. Good enough for now? Maybe.
If your horse is getting all nervous and acting out, then there is a good chance you are not being clear enough. Sometimes you need to stop and re-evaluate. Sometimes, and most of the time, you need to just keep asking till you get a try, then reward by stopping. We need to be careful when it comes to relieving pressure. A horse learns our intention best when we release the pressure. So if we reward them for misbehaving and not when they do what we intend, we are not being clear at all with our intention. The best way to be clear is to start simple and advance from there. Refer back to "Building Word Recognition",, and "Building Sentences" for a better understanding.
I will soon be transferring into more of how I start and progress through the program I use in communicating with horses, but we will always be referring back to these beginning posts. Before we do that we will have one more foundation post covering Attention and Awareness. Which was covered in brief in "Alphabets of Communication."
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