Think about this. Or think about that. Think about whatever you want to think about. It doesn't matter the topic or the position you have on it. We all think and we all analyze or associate.
But for any topic that comes to mind, it will either be something we kinda know or something we are just learning things about. Because the things we are certain of or know and understand in great depth, needs little to no thought at all.
Let's look at learning a skill. Whichever you choose. When first we start there is a lot of thought. We think so much in order to put everything in place so we can learn and understand. The more we do this skill, the less we have to think about it. Soon we can do it without much thought at all.
We can compare this to a single word and it's definition. Or if you want to go deep. We can compare it to a computer program. The person who creates the program has a lot of work to do to create the program so it works as it should. A lot of thought and research goes into the process. Every program needs some tweaking in certain places that isn't found until you try to run the program. So again, a little more thought. Once the process is complete, you click and it goes. Automatically.
Our thoughts work in the same way. Specially if the thoughts involve moving. The more intricate or physically demanding the movment. The longer it takes to become a seamless, thoughtless, responsive action. All it really takes is a conscious effort which programs our unconscious mind. Then it becomes us and we become it without having to think about it.
To take this to our Horsemanship and to draw attention to how I'm always talking about "Thought and Energy". Our thoughts automatically create expression. This is most noticed on our faces but can be picked up in our body and the horses as well. These expressions are picked up and processed by our mind. At first our conscious mind does a lot of thinking in order to make sense of it all. The more we do it the easier it gets because we are programming our unconscious mind. The more we have programmed into our unconscious, the more proficient we become at understanding and responding to the energy. When our Horsemanship becomes proficient, we flow in a seamless connected communication with our horse. The activity becomes much like the computer program. It runs automatically with little extra thought and a whole lot less effort.
The trick to this is to not assume, make excuses or try to make something happen. It's a difficult place to get to sometimes. Specially if you are in a hurry, have other things on your mind, your end goal is to ridged, or you skip important steps to attain it.
The point I'm making is that we can program ourselves to be very efficient and skillfull or be who and what we want to be. By making a conscious decision and effort to understand the topic or process.
Our unconscious mind is "Our True Self" and we can take control of it. Or we can go through life unconsciously allowing our Subconscious to be manipulated by energies we are unaware of. Because every thought we have is caused by an energy that we received at some point in our life that either created the thought or a certain way of thinking.
Not only can this help us, but we can help our horse in the same way. I find the best way is to use my thoughts to project energy to the horse to encourage a conscious thought in them. Soon with time and understanding, I reprogram their unconscious mind to seek intention and understand my thoughts through my energy. Once we are both able to do that, our communication becomes instant and in great detail. Like anything else, it needs maintaining. Other energies and thoughts get in the way much like a virus can corrupt your computer software. And it happens unknowingly. So we need to run tests every now and then.
I hope you all enjoyed this. I wrote it based on meditation practice. In which we strive to remove the endless mind chatter. In meditation we quiet the mind. This is how I try to be in my Horsemanship whether on the ground or mounted. Just in a moving meditation. Thoughtless yet thorough.
Thanks for reading.