Monday, December 1, 2014

Philosophies of Horsemanship

Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems, such as those connected with reality, existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. It can also be described like this.

1.    the rational investigation of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or                  conduct.
any of the three branches, namely natural philosophymoral philosophy, and metaphysical philosophy, that are accepted as composing this study.
a particular system of thought based on such study or investigation:
the philosophy of Spinoza.
the critical study of the basic principles and concepts of a particular branch of knowledge, especially with a view to improving or reconstituting them:
the philosophy of science.
a system of principles for guidance in practical affairs.
an attitude of rationality, patience, composure, and calm in the presence of troubles or annoyances.

I am no philosophy major but I do like the studies of philosophy. Especially as described in examples 1,3, and 4. I can appreciate all aspects of it, but I have found there are many who try to use philosophy to their advantage and sort of stack the deck in their favor. I see this most in areas described in example 5. In most cases its a much respected system and well thought out. But not always. There are many who use it to try and sound more intelligent or of higher authority.

To me the principles of philosophy is what has allowed me to progress in my horsemanship. As example 1 says. I thrive to find truth, knowledge and proper conduct. Some times things are perceived to be one thing but in reality it's totally something else. Knowing this and being able to see this can really help you find what you need, not just what you want. Though we will never find absolute truth or complete understanding.  The principles of philosophy can get us closer to it. 

If we can see things for what they are and not for what we think they are or what we want them to be. Then we can make better decisions and get better results in our interactions.  We have to remember there is always cause and effect to think about. As well as consequence for every action. Using the principals of philosophy we can ask all the right questions and answer all the questions posed to us appropriately. This will give us a little better grip on understanding and better control of cause and effect. It will also help ward off adverse consequences.

The Philosophy I live by in my Horsemanship is one that puts all of the principles of communication into play. I also follow a Philosophy that knowledge is never ending and that  knowing something is not enough. We need to seek better understanding. When it comes to knowledge, we need to realize that what we know as fact in many cases is only a possible and or partial truth. Our take on any one thing can change at any moment when more knowledge or experience is given to us.

Philosophy's of perception are very big in my Horsemanship as well. Having a heightened awareness can help you absorb more input. More input leads to better understanding. Perception can come from all of your senses. Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste, and Touch. These are our 5 primary senses. But when you Heighten your awareness you start to develop your intuitive side. Sometimes called our 6th sense. It can be and has been explained as "Feel" not to be confused with the "touch sense"  This feel as I see it is a fine tuned connection that gets you to a point that your thoughts are intuitively connected with your horses thoughts. You start to feel and understand their thoughts before any action is taken to show you what they were thinking. Your horse uses this form of perception naturally. This is why a horse won't do something for someone who has any reservations in their mind about the task at hand. They perceive your doubt and refuse to or hesitate to respond. While someone else can come and ask for the same thing, the same way, and get a great response. 

There are many Philosophies in the horse world. Almost as many as there are Horse People. I would recommend listening to them all and apply general rules of Philosophy to help you come up with your own. Anyone who knows me knows that I don't believe in a definitive right and wrong, or good and bad. You can learn from anyone and any situation. Even things that seem totally unrelated. This is also a Philosophy I follow. 

So dive in and see where the current takes you. I promise it will broaden your knowledge, understanding, and ability.

Good luck and thanks for reading.